35 Photos That Will Drive Your Inner Perfectionist Crazy
Published: Aug 4, 2024

Though we like to celebrate imperfections, sometimes they are just not acceptable. Like, at all.

For example: Ruining the perfection of a pie by slicing it the wrong way is basically a crime against humanity. So is messing up any perfectly color coordinated pattern. And while normally we’d spare you from having to see such horrific images, today we aren’t feeling so kind.

So get ready, because if you have any OCD at all, looking at these photos will make your brain go “aksdhflajdfakshdf;aihewofasjkdfa!!!!!!”


1. Have you no mercy?

Source: Imgur

2. Anything but this.

Source: Imgur

3. “OCD rage.”

Source: Imgur

4. Just, why?

Source: Imgur

5. But.. but… but…

Source: Imgur

6. Just grab it. Please.

Source: Imgur

7. You know this one all too well.

Source: Imgur


8. OK. That’s just not how you do it.

Source: Imgur


9. Oh, the humanity!

Source: Imgur

10. “Really…?”

Source: Imgur

11. The worst.

Source: Imgur

12. Not this. Anything but this.

Source: Imgur

13. Does your brain hurt yet?

Source: Imgur

14. How about now?

Source: Imgur

15. “Just noticed in the living room.”

Source: Imgur

16. “Stick your conformist pattern where the sun doesn’t shine.”

Source: Imgur

17. “You had ONE job.”

Source: Imgur

18. “My wife is a monster.”

Source: Imgur

19. “All of these lights are off.”

Source: Imgur

20. “Just burn down the whole damn park.”

Source: Imgur

21. Oh no you di’int”

Source: Imgur


Source: Imgur

23. “Got OCD? You’re welcome.”

Source: Imgur

24. “My OCD gland is going haywire.”

Source: Imgur

25. “I have OCD. This is how my wife screws with me.”

Source: Imgur


26. “This tile.”

Source: Imgur

27. “Stuff like this gets my OCD juices flowing.”

Source: Imgur

28. “At my friend’s apartment. I think it bothers me more than this doesn’t bother her.”

Source: Imgur

29. Sorry.

Source: Imgur

30. ‘Nuff said.

Source: Imgur

31. This one is actually kind of beautifully horrible.

Source: Imgur

32. “Everything about this upsets me.”

Source: Imgur

33. “I guess I won’t be using the dishwasher in my new apartment.”

Source: Imgur

34. “This light.”

Source: Imgur

35. Yup.

Source: Imgur

The original version of this post can be found here