Have an interview coming up? Feeling nervous and want to ace your interview?
Then use these tips to get your dream job :
1. Be a super hero
Striking a super hero pose or a power pose will make you feel more confident and increase the testosterone in your body. It’ll make you take more risks and make you feel less stressed.
2. Smile
But don’t flash a creepy smile. This research suggests that if you have the slightest bit of a frown or worry on your face your interviewer will catch on to it.
3. Use gestures
Using gestures helps with your speaking. It removes fillers like “Um”. “Uhhhh” and “Errr”. It’ll help us speak more fluently. Make sure your movements are relaxed though and you’re not playing with your hair, rubbing your hands together and touching your face.
4. Don’t minimize your self
Don’t make yourself feel small by looking small, rest your arms on your chair and keep your chairs firmly planted on the floor. You’ll look and feel more grounded.
5. Be a mirror
Subtly mimic your interviewrs actions. Copying them subtly emphasis on the word subtly will make them feel empathy for you and will look at you in a positive light.