54 Amazing Miniature Calendar Photos
Published: Aug 15, 2024

Tatsuya Tanaka is a Japanese artist who has been creating these incredible miniature dioramas with things that we wouldn’t even give a second glance to. He started the ‘Miniature Calendar’ project around five years ago and he doesn’t plan on stopping soon.

This is an excerpt taken from his website:

Everyone must have had similar thoughts at least once.
Broccoli and parsley might sometimes look like a forest, or the tree leaves floating on the surface of the water might sometimes look like little boats. Everyday occurrences seen from a pygmy’s perspective can bring us lots of fun thoughts.
I wanted to take this way of thinking and express it through photographs, so I started to put together a “MINIATURE CALENDAR” These photographs primarily depict diorama-style figures surrounded by daily necessaries.

1. Star Wars

2. Digging

3. Potato Desert

4. Coloured Castle

5. Binder Parking

6. Red Carpet

7. Swirly Slide

8. Study

9. Hide and Seek

10. Harvesting

11. The Forest

12. Slanting Rain

13. Surf’s Up

14. Pipe Organ

15. Swimming Race

16. Bouldering

17. Suspension Bridge

18. Tree Swing

19. Farmland

20. Vacation

21. Horse Riding

22. A Day Out

23. Boxing

24. Memory

25. Barbecue

26. Obstacle Race

27. Locksmith

28. Seaweed

29. Ninja

30. Wall-climbing

31. Rice Planting

32. The Lion King

33. Rest time

34. Muddy Waters

35. Waterfall

36. Solar Power

37. Ice floes

38. Footprints

39. Beach Umbrella

40. The Rainbow

41. Searching

42. Snow day

43. Ferris Wheel

44. Laputa

45. Ice Cliff

46. “Peanut”

47. Tropical Islands

48. Painters

49. Popcorn Sheep

50. Crop Circle

51. Barbecue Rescue

52. Pirates

53. Camping

54. Limestone Cave

All pictures have been taken from here