55 Of The Most Photorealistic Pencil Drawings You’ve Ever Seen
Published: Jul 28, 2024

You would think that they might be photoshopped because there is no way that these portraits could look so real! Heather Rooney is a 21-year-old illustrator specialising in photorealistic coloured pencil drawings. She uploads videos of herself inking these masterpieces bit by bit on YouTube.

1. Amanda Seyfried

2. Benedict Cumberbatch

3. Bruno Mars

4. Captain Jack Sparrow

5. Cara Delevingne

6. Cristiano Ronaldo

7. Dwayne The Rock Johnson

8. Ellen DeGeneres

9. Fergie

10. Harry Potter

11. Hayley Williams

12. Hermione Granger

13. Hilary Duff

14. James Rodríguez

15. Jared Leto

16. Jared Padalecki

17. Jennifer Lawrence

18. Jennifer Lopez

19. Jimmy Fallon

20. John Stamos

21. Johnny Depp

22. Justin Timberlake

23. Katy Perry

24. Lady Diana

25. LeBron James

26. Lord Voldemort

27. Lucy Hale

28. Ludacris

29. Mad Hatter

30. Madison Pettis

31. Marilyn Monroe

32. Mario Götze

33. Messi

34. Michael Jackson

35. Neymar Jr.

36. One Direction (With Zayn Malik)

37. Oscar Selfie 2014

38. Paul Walker

39. Pharrell Williams

40. Rihanna

41. Robin Williams

42. Ron Weasley

43. Ryan Seacrest

44. Ryan Higa

45. Selena Gomez

46. Shakira

47. Taylor Lautner

48. Taylor Swift

49. Tyler Oakley

50. The Fault in our Stars

51. Tyrese Gibson

52. Usher

53. Vin Diesel

54. Zac Efron

55. Zendaya

All the pictures belong to Heather Rooney and have been taken from here.