6 Fundamental Mistakes We Make At Iftar!

During Ramazan, the most eagerly awaited time after Eid is iftari. After 15 hours of fasting, the only thing you want is food. In abundance.

Even though pakoras and samosas are gods gift to mankind, they aren’t the best thing to eat when you’re breaking your fast. Let’s take a look at some of the mistakes we make at Iftar.

1. Stuffing our selves the minute we hear the Azaan

This is one of the worse things we can do to ourselves! Not only does this make us bloated but it also makes us feel sick and lethargic.


Chew your food slowly and break your fast with a date. Dates aid us in digestion and are packed full of vitamins our body is deprived of, they give us the energy we need. Chew slowly; your body has been deprived of nutrients for a while, give it some time to adjust to eating again.


2. Drinking too much sherbet

Having sugary drinks or fizzy drinks is not the way to go at Iftar at all! They will give you an initial burst of energy initially but they will not quench your thirst.




Drink water or fresh juices. Our body is 75% water, we need to refresh ourselves by drinking water. Fresh juices are also a healthy alternative for when you’re craving something sweet. And take slow sips, don’t drown yourself in water either!


3. Eating fried foods

Eating oily foods first for iftari is bad because it is difficult for our body to digest it especially if it’s the first thing we eat after a long day of fasting.



Eating baked goods is a healthy alternative because they aren’t as oily and can be digested quicker.

4. Eating sugary foods

Everyone wants to have as much meetha as they possible can the minute they see it. It’s normal, it’s human nature. But that doesn’t make it healthy. Eating sugary foods as soon as you break your fast can make you fat because your body has been deprived of food for so long that it will store the first thing you eat as fat in your body.



Eat fruits! They are easier to digest and contain the essential nutrients your body needs. Plus point: They won’t make you fat and are great for your skin too!


5. Having dinner at iftari

People who only eat at iftar in hopes to loose weight are actually wrong. Eating only at iftari is really bad for your body. It will make you gain more weight because your body realises that it will only get one meal a day so it will convert all that food into fat and store it.


Eat less at iftar and then have a healthy dinner. Eating fruits and vegetables at iftar is good for your body because they provide the essential nutrients your body needs. You can then have dinner after an hour or two, and perhaps eat some lean meats like chicken or daal with a bit of rice. This way you’re giving your body healthy fuel it can use to make muscles and not store as fat.

6. Not eating foods that hydrate your body

We are so focused on eating things that taste good that we ignore foods that our body needs. Having salty and sugary foods, even tea can dehydrate you!


Have green tea! It makes digestion easier for our body, and then have as many fresh juices or vegetable juices as you can. They’re much healthier and give you the nutrients your body needs, not just what you want.


Try not to focus too much on food this Ramazan, but kind to yourself and to other people. Focus on being a better person. Ramazan is not all about what you’re eating and drinking, but about what you’re doing for others and yourself too.