Writing is the first thing we learn when we join a school, it’s a way of expressing ourselves, telling stories and relating information. There are many benefits to writing every day. You don’t have to write a novel every day but even a 100 words about your day can be beneficial for you here’s how
1. Writing can be therapeutic:
Writing down your frustrations and problems can make them seem smaller and help you deal with them more easily.

2. Your vocabulary will expand
When writing you’ll look for the right or perfect word when you won’t be able to find it you’ll use a thesaurus hence increasing your vocabulary.

3. It’ll improve your memory
Writing down notes is the best way to acquire knowledge and retain new information.

4. You’ll use your brain more
Handwriting makes more use of your brain than typing does. You’re using your whole arm when writing while typing just uses your fingers.

5. Get away from technology
Sometimes it helps to just stay away from your electronic devices and just sit down and write anything down.

6. Find yourself
Writing helps you discover yourself. Write down your thoughts what happened with you during the day and you will learn somethings about yourself.