Everyone showers thankfully, but how many of you are making these showering mistakes?
1. Hot water
Though it may feel great, hot water is bad for your hair and skin, it dries your skin and makes your hair flaky and frizzy

2. Scrubbing too hard
It’s good to scrub dirt of your body but scrub to hard and your skin could produce a sebum which is a chemical which makes your skin oily

3. Showering for too long
Though we promote showering, showering too long has the same effect as hot water, it dries your skin. Ironic right?

4. Not rinsing enough
You have to make sure all the soapy product is cleaned and rinsed off, lingering products can cause clogged pores and irritate your skin.

5. Washing your hair everyday
The more you wash your hair the oilier it gets, this is because your scalp over produces oils to compensate. Shampooing every other day is ideal

6. You towel dry very roughly
Towel drying should be done in a dabbing motion not a scrubbing motion, scrubbing ruins hair follicles and can cause skin conditions such as dryness and itchiness