Cats don’t just make great companions or cute pets, they’re also beneficial to your health! (Who knew, huh?) Yes, I know there are many out there who hate cats, but hear me out for a second. Here are a few health benefits, you would never have guessed existed, that you would get if you owned a cat!
1. Lowers blood pressure
Interacting with your cat and hearing it purr lowers your blood pressure. Even petting a cat lowers a person’s blood pressure. People with cats tend to have lower blood pressure than people without them.
2. Better heart
The University of Minnesota found that cat owners have a 40% less chance of getting a heart attack and patients discharged from a hospital with heart issues had better chances of recovery if they had a cat to come home to.
3. Help in breathing
Exposing a child to a cat during infancy can help them bring up a natural immunity to pet allergies later in life.
4. Lowers Cholesterol
Surprisingly, in a study conducted in Canada in 2006 it was found that cat owners had lower cholesterol than non-cat owners.
5. Detect Seizures
Cats can tell when their owners are about to have a seizure, scientists believe this has something to do with a cat’s ability to detect biochemical scents. It is unknown how it works.
6. Therapeutic
Cats are found to be therapeutic and can help a person heal muscles and bones. A cat’s purr, within a range of 20 - 140 Hz, is known to be medically therapeutic for many illnesses.
So long story short,