Dehydration is something we need to take seriously now. Now with the heat being the highest it’s ever been everyone needs to take precautions such as drinking adequate amounts of water, staying in doors when it’s too hot outside even wearing a hat helps. Here are some signs your body is telling you you’re dehydrated:
1. You’re falling sick often
When your organs are not getting enough water, they won’t be able to replenish the nutrients in the cells they need. This causes a lack of moisture in your nose, mouth and throat making you fall sick often.
2. Gaining weight
Dehydration slows the metabolism which negatively affects the body’s ability to burn fat. Also your body may confuse thirst with hunger which could lead to over eating.
3. Not sweating enough
Yes, the fact that you aren’t sweating enough could be a sign that you are dehydrated. Not sweating enough means that heat stays within your body and your core temperature rises. This could cause you to have a heat stroke.
4. Bad breath
Water helps produce saliva which helps keep your bad breath away. If you aren’t drinking enough water your breath will smell.
5. Craving sweets
When you’re dehydrated your body feels low on energy, so to get energy you’ll crave sweets to replenish your glycogen levels.
6. Headaches
Your brain floats inside a fluid sack to keep it from bumping against the inside of your skull. If you’re dehydrated the fluid sack could run low causing your brain to push up against parts of your skull.