With Ramadan just around the corner some people may have some misconceptions about this holy month. We hope we clear up some misconceptions you has about this month:
1. In Ramadan you just don’t have to stop eating from sunrise to sunset
No. You also have to refrain from swearing, fighting, sex drugs etc. It’s to break all the bad habits you picked up from over the year.
2. Fasting longer is not beneficial
Fasting longer than the prescribed time does not earn you more sawab and is not beneficial.
3. Fasting is not obligatory on everyone
Young children, seniors, pregnant women, diabetics and others with medical needs don’t have to.
4. Ramadan doesn’t fall on the same time every year
It changes every year.
5. People can eat in front of you while you are fasting
Fasting is something you have to do not the people around you. So they can eat, drink and smoke if they want to you can not stop them.
6. Eating or drinking by MISTAKE during your fast does not break it
Whoever forgets that he is fasting and eats or drinks, let him complete his fast, for the One Who fed him and gave him to drink was Allah. - Hadith of Abu Hurayah
7. You can brush your teeth as long as you don’t swallow the paste
As long as you don’t swallow the paste you do not break your fast. Brushing your teeth is like using miswaak and the Prophet (PBUH) used to use Miswaak during his fast.