Seeing your Ex in public can be extremely awkward and a horrifying experience. But there are some things you should and should not do when you meet your Ex.
Here’s what you should do when you see your Ex in public:
1. Don’t panic
Don’t freak out! They’re a person like you and though you guys may have history it’s good to stay calm and not make it a big deal.

2. Be cool
Don’t be stuck up and make eye contact and ignore them. Be calm and if the moment arises say hi!

3. Be confident
Be happy with you are and who you’ve become. Think about all the great things you’ve done without them!

4. Be positive
Be upbeat and happy, don’t look like you’re still brooding and being sad about the breakup.

5. Remember why you guys broke up
Seeing your ex may bring back good memories while you guys were together but don’t forget why you guys broke up. There were good times but the bad times are the reason you aren’t together now.

6. Don’t ask him/her if they’re seeing anyone
You don’t want to come off as desperate. If they do mention they are they’re just doing it to rub it your face and to make themselves feel better.

7. Don’t try and get back with them
You’re Ex’s for a reason don’t forget why! Also, have some self-respect.