We usually write posts about things that make a person attractive or what the opposite sex would find attractive. But there are people who have bad habits which make them look unattractive.
Habits such as:
1. Being mean
No one finds a mean person attractive. Why would you even be mean?
2. Being stressed out
People with high stress levels are perceived as less attractive.
3. Not having a sense of humor
Live a little and learn to laugh at yourself.
4. Not sleeping enough
Sleep deprivation generally makes a person look unattractive
5. Contractive body language
If your body language isn’t open people will not open up to you
6. Lying
Liars are always found to be unattractive
7. Laziness
If you’re unhelpful and inactive you won’t look good.
8. Smelling too different
We seek people who smell neither too similar or different from us.