These facts can save yours or someone elses life one day. Do remember them!
1.Trapped in a fire
Stay low, all the breathable air is near the ground
2. Stuck in a riptide
Don’t swim to land but swim parallel to the ocean
3. Calling for help
When calling for help call for someone specific like “You in the red shirt”
4. Concussion
If you feel like someone has a concussion hold their head up high so that fluid doesn’t get accumulated in the brain
5. Stabbed
If you’re stabbed or have a foreign object in you don’t pull it out as you’ll start bleeding and risk inflicting more damage
6. Give yourself the Heimlich maneuver
7. Heart attack
If you feel like you’re having a heart attack chew aspirin or disprin
8. Seizure
If someone is having a seizure don’t put anything in their mouth. They could choke on it. Just hold them in place and poor water over their head to help them cool down.