8 Pictures That Are Reason Enough To Free Ayyan Ali!

There are not many words we can use to explain the beauty that is Ayyan Ali. Unfortunately, she is spending time in jail following a money laundering case. For those of you who do not know her, these pictures will show you just why she is a super model in Pakistan:

1. That Look….Daaaammmnnn

Source: stylehoster

2. How does she look so good ?

Source: stylehoster

3. Dem Curves

Source: stylehoster

4. Sigh

Source: stylehoster

5. Red really is her colour

Source: stylehoster

6. She even makes that suit look good

Source: fashionsuitsme

7. Need I say more?

Source: globalemag

8. Oolala

Source: carmudi

That’s it, folks. There is no more. You can stop scrolling down now. Jeez.

Please free Ayyan Ali! Please?