8 Reasons Why Everyone Loves A Leader And Not A Boss
Published: Jul 16, 2024
Every business unit of an organisation has a boss of its own - the king of the jungle who rules over his subjects with the utmost ‘care’! It is only the ones leading the line by example, who enjoy the earnest loyalty and respect of their subordinates.
Here are 8 reasons why everyone loves a leader but abhors a boss.
1. A leader treats the team as a single unit
2. A leader boosts the team’s confidence
3. A leader encourages teammates
4. A leader helps you grow as a professional
5. A leader does not bruise one’s ego
6. A leader takes charge in testing times
7. A leader sticks with his team through the thick and thin
8. A leader works with mutual trust and understanding
In the layman’s terms, a leader leads whereas a boss bosses around.
The pictures have been taken from Wittyfeed