Eid is an occasion for sharing blessings and happiness! However, a lot of people spend Eid just like any other holiday. They wake up, pray, eat, give/take Eidi, watch Eid-special shows and then go to sleep. The routine is meanwhile punctuated by countless hugs and greetings.
For those who think there is nothing worthwhile to do during the festival, here are 8 simple things you can do for others and make a difference, this Eid:
1. Pamper your parents for a change
Do something for your parents to make them feel special. Cook them a meal or replenish their wardrobe.
2. Buy your domestic servants clothes for Eid
The families of your maid or your driver also deserve to dress up on Eid. Their illuminated faces will certainly make your day.
3. Buy a cone of mehndi and apply it on the palms of street children
This is the simplest thing you can. Henna tattoos will give those underprivileged girls a reason to smile.
4. Buy some mithai and head to the nearest squatter settlement
A packet of traditional sweets for the deprived? Not a bad idea at all.
5. Put up a stall of homemade food in the street and feed the poor so that no one goes hungry on Eid.
6. Scan the house for old toys and donate them
Look for that old teddy bear in the cupboard or that remote-controlled car in the store. Also teach the young ones in the house to share their happiness with others.
7. Hug the loneliest person at the prayer congregation
As soon as the Eid namaz is over, people begin greeting their family and friends in the congregation. But there is always that one person who doesn’t know anyone. Walk up to him and make him feel part of the community.
8. Volunteer at a charitable organisation or an NGO for a day
Make use of your Eid holidays and give back to the society. At the end of the day, it is the effort that counts!
Eid Mubarak in advance!