When you have an accent for whatever reason you do people tend to assume things about you. Those people should know when you assume things you make an “ass” out of “u” and “me”.
Here are some things you go through when you have an accent:
1. People assume you’re rich
Oh you speak well must be rich!
2. Or you’re faking it
No, I’m not. I just saw a lot of sesame street as a kid
3. You must be a burger
I am not a burger I eat them
4. People also assume you’re smart
It’s the way I speak guys it doesn’t measure how smart I am
5. They think you studied abroad
Again, I just watched a lot of sesame street
6. They also assumed your life was easy
I had troubles growing up too! Speaking English well doesn’t help.
7. You were always picked to give presentation
It was a given
8. And were always picked by the teacher to read in class
I really wonder why?
9. You were asked to speak in Urdu because it’s hilarious
This is people when your spoke in Urdu