A Road In France Disapears Twice A Day
Source: brightside
Published: Sep 21, 2024

If you are thinking of going to France for a vacation make sure you go after ample research because the roads in there disappear! Yes you read that right - they DISAPEAR! And it is not magic

Source: giphy
Source: giphy

It’s science!

Source: brightside
Source: brightside

Passage du Gois is a road connecting the Gulf of Burnёf with the island of Noirmoutier in France.

Source: brightside
Source: brightside

But you can only drive on this road twice due to the rising tide, before it gets totally flooded.

Source: brightside
Source: brightside

Most of the time this road is hidden 13 ft beneath the waves.

Source: brightside
Source: brightside

This post originally appeared here.