A Unique Friendship That Will Melt Your Heart
Published: Jul 20, 2024

James Francis Byrnes once said, “Friendship without self-interest is one of the rare and beautiful things in life.” Meet Bob and his friends - a squad that comprises a Golden Retriever, eight birds and a hamster.

Luiz Higa Jr adopted Bob when he was just four months old. The Luiz household soon welcomed birds and even a hamster. Since then, the camaraderie has only strengthened.


The family gained widespread attention when pictures of Bob and his gang surfaced on Instagram. The canine today has more than 94,000 followers on Instagram and 21,000 followers on Facebook.

Here is a quick round-up of what Bob and Co are really up to.

July is our calendar month!

Can someone wake him up?

Line to photo!

We are so lazy

Say cheese

Has anyone seen the hamster out there?

Super special gift that I won the Nerderia custom cushions with my photos

We need a little nap

I was eating her phone

Happy easter!

Dinner time

Time to sleep!



All the images are taken from here.