There is a movie coming out about Rumi and the actor who is supposedly going to play Rumi is none other than Leonardo Di Caprio. Many people were not happy with Leonardo being chosen to play Rumi and are accusing Hollywood of whitewashing. People went to twitter to show how upset they were with this
"Hollywood would whitewash even the greenest blade of grass, the darkest night, and the deepest, blue ocean." -#RumiQuotes #RumiWasntWhite
— Hind Makki (@HindMakki) June 7, 2024
My fav line out of the #RumiWasntWhite saga:
"I'm not white" ~ Rumi proverb— Mohamed Taha (@Mo_Taha1) June 8, 2024
Producers of @Rumi biopic want @LeoDeCaprio to play the great Persian Muslim poet. One problem: #RumiWasntWhite
— Stephen Kinzer (@stephenkinzer) June 8, 2024
Seeing as most people don’t want Leo to play Rumi I thought I could bring some actors to light who would actually make a pretty good Rumi.
Here are some actors who would make a better Rumi than Leo