Behind The Scenes Of Bachana
Published: Jan 13, 2025

Bachanna is an upcoming Lollywood film starring Sanam Saeed and Mohib Mirza. The story revolves around a bubbly young girl who goes through a series of unfortunate events in her life.

Here is a behind the scenes video of Bachana stars making the poster

And here Sanam is promoting the film

and speaking about her journey while making the film

Making the movie must have been really tiring because the stars could not get enough sleep.

Source: facebook.com/Bachaana

So sleeeepy

Source: facebook.com/Bachaana

P.S Sanam Saeeds double looks NOTHING like her

Source: facebook.com/Bachaana

We can’t wait for the movie to come out!

Source: facebook.com/Bachaana

The movie is set to be released on Febuary 26th, 2016.

Source: facebook.com/Bachaana

Don’t miss it guys!