Boy With No Arms And Legs Has To Prove He’s Disabled

Edward Bright lost his arms and legs at the age of seven due to meningitis. His family have since claimed £388-a-month Disability Living Allowance on his behalf.

After turning 16 Bright had to claim the benefits again but this time from a different organisation known as Personal Independence Payment (PIP) had required him to meet in person and prove his disability. PIP is an organisation that helps people with disabilities by giving them small allowances every month

Yes they didn’t believe the boy with no arms and legs was disabled and claimed he prove it… because he could be lying?

Steve Bright the father said :
“It’s absolutely disgusting. He’s a quad amputee for God’s sake. It isn’t like he’s going to get better. He isn’t going to suddenly grow new arms and legs. We were shocked to be asked to attend the meeting.”

“They wanted him to go to Derby and even gave instructions on how to walk to the office from the station. He’s in a wheelchair waiting for an operation in April. He can’t walk. It’s a shambles.”

Bosses back tracked and eventually had someone go visit Edward instead of him coming here. They admitted they made a mistake but still have not put in any money in Edwards account. Edward is currently 16 and is preparing for his IGCSE’s