Celebrities Who Got Their Legs Insured For Millions!

We insure our homes, our cars and our lives; however, when it comes to Hollywood, some stars have much more at stake. They get their body parts insured!

Here’s a list of celebrities who got their legs insured:

1. Taylor Swift

Her legs are worth $40 million.

Source: rumorfix

2. Tina Turner

Her legs are worth $3 million.

Source: fashionbombdaily

3. Heidi Klum

One of her legs was valued at $2.2 million but the other was only valued at $1.2 million because of a tiny scar on her knee.

Source: dailycapital

4. David Beckham

His legs are worth $70 million.

Source: Popsugar

5. Jamie Lee Curtis

Her legs are worth $2.8 million.

Source: Sassystreak

6. Rihanna

Her legs are worth $1 million.

Source: talentedprofiles.

7. Mariah Carey

Her legs are worth $1 billion.

Source: celebritydesktopwallpapers

8. Cristiano Ronaldo

His legs are worth $144 million.

Source: abcnews

9. Michael Flatley

His legs are worth $40 million.

Source: collider