DC comics the comic book group that brought you the likes of Superman, Batman, Wonder woman and Green Lantern has made a mistake they are paying for.
In Superman/Wonderwoman Annual #2
There was certain dialogue which was translated from… Pakistanian. Yes people at DC believe we at Pakistan speak Pakistanian, no not Urdu but Pakistanian. The same way people from Thailand
Yes… Pakistanian
Here’s what people on twitter had to say about this blunder
@DCComics Could you help me with my quest to learn 'PAKISTANIAN'? Can't find one school that offers it. #DCComics #Pakistanian
— Zawad Iftikhar (@ZawadIftikhar) January 5, 2025
According to DC comics , Pakistan's language is Pakistanian. DC comics do have a solid command over American , I must say.
— Shree (@whyrus_) January 5, 2025
I just want to remind everyone that as per the massive machine that is @DCComics, the 182+million population of Pakistan speaks Pakistanian.
— Mahvesh Murad (@mahveshm) January 5, 2025
DC Comics deserves appreciation for having translated a language that doesn't even exist. Kaisay kar leti ho yaar? #Pakistanian
— Mahnoor Ahmed (@MahnooriAhmed) January 5, 2025