DHA Plans To ‘Enhance Security’ In Phase 8
Published: Feb 11, 2025

People on motorcycle and suspicious men beware, you will not be allowed to go to Do Darya for food and will definitely not be allowed to watch movies at Nueplex.

Oh you think you can sneak in? Sorry buddy, they’re enhancing security.

According to this news

DHA plans to ‘enhance security’ and monitor those entering from the eight entry and exit points of the recently populated area with the help of e-tagging electronic gates.

Yup Electronic gates!

DHA Administrator Brigadier Zubair Ahmed said:

“We will enhance security and provide a safe environment, There are 40 to 43 entry exit points in the entire DHA [Karachi]. We can’t control all of them but we can isolate Phase VIII and we are doing that.”

They are doing that by giving resident E-tags. These E-tags will be put on vehicles so people approaching the electronic gates with the sensors will pass as the sensor will register the e-tag and open the gate.


Separate lanes will be made for those without sensors. Families will have no problems going in and people in cars will have no issues, except those people who they deem to be suspicious will be checked and people on motorcycles.

What do you think about Phase 8 being like this?