Facebook has introduced 1500 diverse emojis including icons for working women to represent professional women.
Facebook says it’s introducing the first female police officer, runner, pedestrian, surfer and swimmer on any platform.
The 1,500 new designs include dozens of gender-agnostic and multi-coloured options. You can now select different skin tones for the icons before hitting enter.
“We’re diversifying the genders to create a more balanced mix that’s more representative of our world,” the company said in a statement. “Now, using Messenger emojis, you’ll see a female police officer, runner, pedestrian, surfer and swimmer for the very first time, and we’ll keep rolling these out.”
Several have already seen this change on their facebook and they love it!
The new #MessengerEmoji are pretty cool! I whish more companies designed like them 😃
— Nil Vila (@desinil) June 1, 2024
Loving this! Well done, Facebook! #MessengerEmoji pic.twitter.com/5c3FYEbV0v
— Frankie Fermi (@frankiefermi) June 1, 2024
Wow Nearly 10% of mobile sends in @messenger include emojis. #MessengerEmoji: https://t.co/BYcDnPS9EP .
— Dave Peck (@davepeck) June 1, 2024
But some think otherwise.
The new #MessengerEmoji update's kinda ugly ☹️☹️
— Lady Jessamine (@ladyybugss) June 3, 2024
Diversity is great but the new @Facebook #MessengerEmoji's look terrible. I want the really old and basic ones back. #firstworldproblems
— Jari Himanen (@jarihimanen) June 2, 2024
What do you think of these new icons? Let us know in the comments section below.