10 Facts About Zamzam Water That Will Shock You
Published: Aug 16, 2024
Zamzam water is found in a well located within the Masjid Al Haram in Makkah. It is Holy water to Muslims and is considered a miracle of God.
Here are some facts about Abe- Zamzam:
1. The well has NEVER dried up
2. The water satisfies both thirst AND hunger
3. The water has no colour or smell but does have a distinct taste
4. The water has healing properties due to its higher content of calcium and magnesium salts and natural fluorides which present germicidal properties.
5. The well has no biological growth within it. In most wells vegetation usually takes place but not here
6. Other names of Zamzam water are Murwiya (derived from the Arabic word meaning ‘quenched’) Shabbaa’a- (derived from ‘satisfying’) and Maymouna