We all have a habit of keeping everything in the fridge. But did you know there are certain foods you should NOT keep in the fridge. This will suprise you
1. Onions
Unpeeled onions need air exposure to ensure optimum shelf life. Peeled onions should be kept in the fridge though.
2. Whole melons
Melons loose their antioxidant content when refrigerated. Leaving melons in room temperature is better for them than putting them in the fridge.
3. Garlic
They need to stored in a dry dark place, keeping them in the fridge can make the sprout.
4. Potatos
Should be kept in a dark dry space, keeping them in a place where they gather moisture will make them decay.

5. Honey
Freezing honey will make it crystallize making it hard to spread
6. Tomatoes
Keeping them in the fridge will cause the tomatoes to become mealy and mushy.
7. Bananas
Do not put green bananas in the fridge otherwise they will stay green for a long time.
8. Bread
Putting bread in the fridge causes it to become stale faster.
9. Olive oil
This isn’t a food so to speak but keeping it in the fridge gives it a stodgy and almost butter like consistency
10. Coffee
Putting coffee in the fridge will cause it to absorb any smell that is in your fridge.