GoT Season 7 Leaked Photos (Spoiler Alert)
Published: Oct 25, 2024

Everyone’s favourite series Game of Thrones is coming back and Purepeople managed to get some leaked photos of what seems to be a historic meeting between two of the main characters of the series.

Guess who!

Source: zimbio.com


Here they are preparing the meeting.

Source: purepeople.com
Source: purepeople.com

Tyrion and Jon meeting for the second time after meeting in season 1

Source: purepeople.com
Source: purepeople.com

This is what they looked like in season 1

Source: Theinquisitr.com
Source: Theinquisitr.com

And this is where they meet after six seasons

Source: purepeople.com
Source: purepeople.com

They’re meeting in the North

Source: purepeople.com
Source: purepeople.com

It appears the Dothraki have reached!

Source: purepeople.com
Source: purepeople.com