Hilarious ‘Frandship’ Messages Every Pakistani Girl Gets Once In Her Life!
Published: Aug 22, 2024

“Do you wanna frandship with me?”

“Ur profile picture is sooooooo cute, will you go on a date with me?”

“Good Mrning, u are very beautiful. I luuuuv youuuuuuu.”

Have you ever used these lines to start a conversation? Or are you on the receiving end of such messages? I am sure every Pakistani girl has been on the receiving end of these rather… cheesy messages. And you have to give it to the senders, they make sure they cover every medium possible, email, text messages, Facebook messages, Viber messages, LinkedIn messages, WhatsApp messages and others that I, thankfully, have not been discovered on yet. Veering from cute all the way to cheesy, nauseating and even downright funny, here is a collection of hilarious random messages every Pakistani girl gets at least once in her life.


It is a rather ‘mournful’ morning.

Umm… ready for what?

Frandship Facebook messages

Maybe she think’s princesses are cute, let me try sexy instead!

Turned out to be the uncle of a friend. Um… awkward


No, no. It is very easy. Block. Delete. Tada!



Get it off! Get it off!!!!


Go back to your shell. Please.

MashaAllah. Astaghfirullah.

Roses are red, violets are blue, if you come near me, God help you!

Once you ‘send’ you can never ‘unsend’. HAHAHAHAH

Love emails

I really, truly don’t miss you.

Yes. True. “Because has no its reason”

No I am not like a walk on the beach or a bath in the sea! God!

Linkedin stalkers

Please stop learning. Everything. Now.



THIS is why you are still looking for a JOB!!!

Note: All the messages are taken from sources known to the author