Hitler Reincarnated As Ice-Cream In India and Fashion Store In Pakistan?

Leave it to us desis to come up with the weirdest of brand names.
In India, a brand of ice cream cone has been named after Hitler and it is readily available to anyone who wants a taste… of Hitler.
A cartoon version of Hilter appears on the packaging staring at ice cream buyers, with the swastika shaped top hat.
The people of Germany are appalled by the brand name and there are some websites that are furiously calling for the brand to be withdrawn.
There is a lack of education regarding the Holocaust which is why it is not a considered a big deal in certain areas around the world.
Speaking of which, in Pakistan, we have a store named ‘Hitler Reloaded’.
This store is near Atrium Mall, in Karachi and cater to all your ‘fashion needs’. You will see people pass by this store, not really understanding why it is a cause of concern.
Whatever the case may be, these stores managed to get quite a bit of (negative) publicity. Hopefully now, they’ll read up on what they have done and change their minds.
This inspiration for this story was taken from DailyMail.co.uk