If you’ve ever felt left out at family gatherings or wondered why your family was a certain way and have known you were different, chances are, you are the black sheep of your family. Here’s what you will be able to relate to if you are the black sheep of your family:
1. You prefer doing things alone
2. You’re always asked to be more like *insert sibling’s name/cousin’s name/friend’s name*
3. You’re considered to be a wild child by your Barras (elders)
4. You are a cautionary tale for your younger cousins
Look at Ahmed, tsk tsk tsk… He failed a test you know!
5. You stand out in family pictures
Guess who the black sheep in this photo is… yup. That’s me.
6. Adoption jokes got old really fast
Ha.ha. I get it, I’m different. Lol, guys, lol. -_-
7. Family gatherings were awkward because you were always forced to go to them
You’d rather stay home and play video games or watch tv
8. If you were dragged to a family gathering anyway - you would usually sit alone
Probably because your cousins were warned not to chill with the wild child
9. If you are involved in a conversation it’s usually where you are the butt of the joke
Ok guys, I get it. I’m different. Ha. Ha. Ha.
10. You haven’t added your family on social media and even if you have they’re SUPER limited
11. If there is a fight at home it’s 90% your fault. Each time. You don’t even know how.
12. You’re hardly at home over the weekends
You’re either at one friends house or the others.
13. You are the first person to be blamed if anything goes wrong or breaks
Your name is Jafar and,
14. You FEEL like the black sheep of the family
Yup, you’re the odd one out!