Kate Middleton & Prince William Met 93-Year-Old Indian Fan
Published: Apr 11, 2024

Dreams do come true, and when it involves royalty then it seems as if you’re part of a fairy tale.

Source: Conde Naste Traveller

Boman Kohinoor is the 93-year-old owner of the iconic Britannia café in Mumbai and a huge fan of the British Royal Family.

Source: AFP

He took to Twitter with #WillAndKateMeetMe to help him get a chance to meet them in person.

Soon twitteratis including celebrities made the hashtag campaign popular.

The video soon went viral, being shared by numerous people on Twitter with the hashtag #WillKatMeetMe. The message got across, and Kohinoor was invited by the royal couple for a special out-of-schedule meeting to their hotel on their first day in Mumbai.

Source: The British Deputy High Commission Mumbai

Dreams do come true.