Meet The World’s Longest Rabbit Who Stands at 4ft

Meet the world’s longest rabbit who stands at 4ft 4inches long, is so big that even he thinks he’s a dog. Darius weighs three-and-a halfstone and is being challenged for the record by his bouncing baby offspring Jeff, who already measures 3 ft 8 inches.
The bunnies’ owner, Annette Edwards is looking forward to the day when Jeff, who still has six months growing time dwarfs his dad.
“Ooooh, when his ears go like that, it means he likes you,” says proud owner, Annette Edwards.
It costs Annette a whopping £5,000 a year to feed her giant bunnies, who munch their way through 2,000 carrots and 700 apples every 12 months. Every day, each of them also chows down on a huge dog bowl full of specialist rabbit food and a bale of hay a week.
“Although the pair of them are huge, they’re the best animal friends I could ask for. They are both very laid back and chilled out – Jeff really takes after his Dad. Most rabbits like lots of attention and get on well with children and these two are no exception.They’re even friendly to other animals!” says Annette Edwards.
Continental Giants are the largest breed of rabbit and can grow to around 4ft when fully grown but Darius – who is officially four foot four inches long - and Jeff come from a bumper crop.
The story originally appear here.