More Than 26,000 People Are Waiting To Dine At London’s First Naked Restaurant
Published: Apr 26, 2024

A London restaurant, ‘The Bunyadi’ - which means ‘base’ or ‘natural’ in Hindi, will be first of it’s kind ‘optional-clothing’ place to dine in the British capital city.

The Bunyadi restaurant is intended to give an entirely natural eating experience, where everything was fresh, free and unadulterated from the trappings of modern life. This includes phones, electric lights and even clothing.


Naked serving staff will wait on tables, offering a menu which will include grilled meats as well as vegan options, all cooked on a wood fire and served on handmade clay crockery.

There will be a clothed area and a “pure” area. Each table in the pure (naked) area is also screened-off by bamboo and wicker partitions, meaning the only people to witness you in the buff will be whoever you have invited along.

The restaurant will allow the diner to experience true liberation.