Motorbike That Can Turn Into A Jet Ski In Just 5 Seconds
Published: Jan 23, 2025

Gibbs Sports Amphibians has developed a motorbike that can transform into a jet ski when it’s on water, only in 5 seconds.

Source: mashable

The motorbike which is called Biski, comes with a chassis that floats and has two wheels which retract at the touch when it is driven into the water, and lights that work for traveling on both roads and water.

Source: gibbsamphibians

Biski can be ridden by just one person or can carry a passenger as pillion. It is capable of doing 80 mph on the road and 37 mph in water.

Source: gibbsamphibians

Writing on its website, the Gibbs said:

“The Biski is truly unique; as a single seat (or single plus pillion), twin jet, HSA Motorcycle, it is a world’s first in many ways. At just 2.3m long and under 1m wide, it is the smallest of all Gibbs High speed amphibious platforms, and very probably the most technically advanced. It represents true freedom for the individual; serious fun,” Gibbs says.

Source: gibbsamphibians

Biski is available in blue colour. The company hasn’t yet decided on pricing the motorbike.

Source: gibbssports

Here is the exclusive video of Biski.