Muslim American Pray For the Victims of Orlando Shootings
Published: Jun 14, 2024

More than 200 Muslims gathered and prayed for the Orlando victims and their families at an annual event ‘Iftar in the Park’ on Sunday in New York City.

“50 people were killed in a senseless act of violence in an Orlandl night club. We’re praying for those who were lost. That God grants them peace and tranquility”, said one of the attendees.

“As Muslims, we are united in our outrage over this senseless act of violence,” she added. “We want the rest of the country to know that we are thinking about what happened in Orlando and that we’re standing with those people.”

Watch the video here:

American Muslims, Muslims around the globe, even Non-Muslims took to twitter to express disapproval of the attack and explain that it does not reflect the values of the U.S. Muslim community: