The Pakistan Army won gold in the event. They beat over 140 other teams. The award was shared with New Zealand while the Indian army won silver.
The Cambrian Patrol is an annual event held in the UK where participants cover 80 km in less than two days. While covering those 80 km, participants perform numerous military exercises such as firing weapons, helicopter drills, tunnel crossing, navigation skills, basically all the skills military personnel would need.
Internationally, it’s regarded as one of the toughest tests the modern-day soldier can face and some overseas entrants have to claim the right to take part by winning their own domestic competition
Military skills, stamina and dedication are constantly evaluated during the patrol and marked with a system of points. Teams that successfully complete their mission are awarded a gold, silver or bronze medal or certificate of merit, depending on the total number of points they have gained.
The original version of this story can be found here.