Truck art is one of the most fun forms of on-the-road entertainment a motorist can get, and Pakistan is famous for its truck art, love for poetry and humour. Here are some our favorite designs:
“You don’t like me, I don’t care.”
Well no one ever does.
2) Che Guevara is also Che Baloch in Pakistan. Don’t believe us, check this out:
3) Sabeen Mahmud would have been proud of this particular truck art. It says,
“Don’t keep a distance, let love happen.”
4) We aren’t just poetic, our rhymes have morals too. This gem says,
“A person need not have a bad face or a bad personality to be bad. A bad person is one who has bad intentions.”
5) Error - This person does not exist!
“I am used to loyalty, I will always be loyal; I have one life and I dedicate it to you.”
6) Don’t be scared.
“I am driving rickshaw, not a bullet.”
7) And patriotism lives in our (he)arts!
“I love my country Pakistan.”
8) Can someone please explain why everyone is just so jealous?
“Girls these days take pride in beauty. They can’t read, but speak in English.”
9) And for some, love is perpetually in the air.
“Look, but with love.”
10) Have you reached your destination?
“Some found their destination at the start of their journey. Some will keep travelling forever, like me.”
11) Say cheese!
“Heart for sale! Price = One smile.”
12) Oh, you think Walls and Igloo are the only ice-creams that exist? Well, think again. Here we have,
“Billo Ice cream.”
13) And sometimes, we get carried away with our imagination,
“Your wet lips. Pout, but with love.”

14) Nah ah ah! No stealing.
“Stealing a toolbox is a crime, my love.”
15) We love giving advice too,
“The road to love is a difficult journey.”
16) And we hate pretentious people,
“The world is two-faced. Inside it is an enemy but outside a friend.”
17) Do you have what it takes to play?
“Oh it’s alright, it’s all a game of fate.”
18) We are very conscious of how we smell. So please wear a nice one because it so hot out there.
“Come to Mardan some time, wearing a perfume.”
19) We come in peace. We want peace. Just give us piece.
“Spread peace my dear, for many have lost their lives.”
20) Unless you want to fall in love,
“Maintain the distance, or you will fall in love.”
21) Do you think there is only Shabbir looking at you?
“Whether someone is watching you or not, Ayan Khan is going to be watching you.”
22) True that!
“Forget about your status, Sir. Get your children married now. Who knows who is going to college and who is going on a date. Us, drivers know everything.”

23) Since August 14, 1947,
“Honk gently, the nation is sleeping.”

24) Oh boy, another Salman Khan.
“If I make a commitment, I don’t even listen to myself.”

25) We question our government; whenever we can, wherever we can and how ever we can,
“Respected Chief Minister Punjab, if you don’t mind, may I ask why bread is for Rs2 and gas is for Rs100. Oh servant of Punjab, give us an answer.”

26) We dream big.
“When I grow up, I will be a Corolla.”

27) This one is specially for the Pakistan People’s Party.
“Respected President of Pakistan, inflation has made our lives so miserable that people are selling their own children. Where are all your promises of bread, clothes and houses?”

28) And we have hope. Always.
“Come one more time, for one last meeting.”

Pakistanis know how to spread smiles. We know how to give you hope and we know how to make you fall in love. Quite incredible - wouldn’t you agree?