Perks Of Dating An Independent Woman!
Published: Feb 12, 2025

She is a tigress in the boardroom and can make her man go weak in the knees! Here are a few things men dating independent women need to know!

1. She doesn’t expect you to pay for her every time she steps out of the house with you; she is perfectly comfortable with splitting the bill, and treating you too.

2. Her career is as important and fulfilling as yours, and she doesn’t make any bones about it.

3. You may think she doesn’t share every problem of hers with you, but she likes sorting out her own issues.

She won’t come crying to you for every problem and won’t expect you to solve every crisis.

4. Don’t be the needy-clingy kind. She will definitely not appreciate that.

5. She may be independent and totally in control of her life, but that’s nothing to be intimidated by.

She still cherishes you and loves you for loving her the way she is.

6. Her opinions about things may be different from your’s but that won’t stop her from voicing them anyway!

7. She needs her space and doesn’t expect to be attached at the hip.

Sometimes, she needs some me-time – and so should you for a healthy relationship!

8. She’s probably better at saving money than you are.

9. If you ever break her heart, don’t expect her to come running back and plead you to take her back. In fact, she will pick herself up from scratch and continue living her life to the fullest!

10. She knows when to draw the line, and won’t nag you into doing something you’re not comfortable doing.

11. Be prepared to be satisfied physically, emotionally, and intellectually as well.

12. She doesn’t believe that marriage is the be-all and end-all of her existence. She will wait to marry the right person and not rush into it.

13. If she truly loves you, she’ll stand by you in the face of adversity, even if nobody else does.

14. Her hunger for life, new adventures, challenges might just tire you out!

15. She won’t sugarcoat the truth but will give it to you as it is. If you aren’t strong enough to hear the truth, you aren’t the man for her.

16. Despite being strong , successful and independent, she will love you fiercely and never be shy about showing it.


GIFs taken from giphy.com and tumblr.com .

The original version of this post appeared here.