Going to parties and partying all night is considered the cool thing to do. But not everyone feels the same way about that. There are people who avoid parties like the plague because they just can’t stand them. Here are some perks of being those few people who aren’t party people.
1. You have amazing conversation with close friends
You don’t need to socialise with 50 people to have a good time, a close few will do.

2. Not going to parties = not being peer pressured into doing things your mother wouldn’t approve of

3. People assume you’re boring but you really don’t care

4. You don’t have to witness boys and girls drooling all over eachother
Dude are they… EWWWW

5.After a long week, all you need to make a weekend great is a cup of tea/coffee and a nice book
No complications at all!

6. There is no better feeling than catching up on your favourite TV shows - Absolute best!
And you’re always ahead of everyone else.

7. You know that a long drive with friends is the only REAL way to party
8. You save ALOT of money

9. You have friends because you love them, not because they are socially relevant!
And you prefer to spend quality time with them - not bouncing off the wall at some random party!

The original version of this post can be found here.