J.K Rowling Just Anounced The 8th Harry Potter Book And We’re Going Crazy
Published: Feb 11, 2025

Rejoice Harry Potter fans, dust off your cloaks and bring out your wands, there’s a new Harry Potter book coming out!

The first book of the franchise was released in 2001 with the last part coming out in 2011.

Source: en.wikipedia.org

Now Harry Potter and the cursed child which is the 8th installment in the franchise will have three parts and the first part is set to be released in July of this summer.

Source: annadellorusso.com
Source: annadellorusso.com

The story picks up from where the deathly hallows ended. 19 years after the battle of Hogwarts where Albus Harry’s son is having difficulty dealing with his family’s legacy.

Here are reactions to the announcement of the 8th Harry Potter book right now:

People who’ve read the book and trilogy as children

Source: 33.media.tumblr.com

Teenagers who’re secretly ecstatic about the announcement

Source: 49.media.tumblr.com

People who love Harry Potter for the right reasons

Source: imagesmtv-a.akamaihd.net

Can’t wait guys!

Source: giphy.com