Surfing the Clouds is Finally a Reality
Published: Jan 20, 2025
Surfing the sky, sounds pretty alien isn’t it? Well, not anymore, Engineer Aaron Wypyszynkski is going to make your sky surfing dream come true by developing a new way to surf through the air with a a new invention, the wingboard. This adventure sport of surfing the clouds has been named ‘Wingboarding’.
The Wingboard will be towed by light aircrafts. Adventurers will be able to control the board by shifting their weight, to land on ground safely, the rider will have to pull a parachute on their back, detach from the aircraft and descend safely.
The WingBoard is like a wakeboard, but it does not slice through waves instead you will be towed by a plane, surfing through the clouds.
The product is not yet available for commercial sales, Aaron’s team are testing the wing board to determine if it will actually be safe for adventurers.
Watch this video to know more about this sport even if WingBoarding sounds scary to you!
Sohail Ahmed Siddiqui said | Waoooo simply superb ! |
Waoooo simply superb !