Ten-Year-Old Indonesian Boy Has Life Threatening Obesity Weighing 423lb
Published: Jun 30, 2024
10-year-old Arya Permana from Karawang in the West Java province of Indonesia weighs an incredible 192 kg’s (423lb) on the weighing scale. He is on a mission to shred these kg’s for survival.
Doctors have told Arya’s famil that he needs to go on an intense diet and exercise more to get rid of all this fat if he wants any chance of leading a more normal life once again.
Arya’s family has put him on a strict brown rice and fruit diet in an attempt to try and combat his extreme weight gains.
He cannot go to school because his physical condition does not allow him to walk long distances.
His mother Rokayah Somantri said: “I wish he can go back to normal because it makes me sad.”
Arya wasn’t always fat as a child. He was not born with this condition, in fact at the time of birth he weighed a healthy 3.8 kg.
However as he grew up he ate five meals a day - two plates at a time. This soon ballooned Arya’s weight out of control.
His school teacher comes home to tutor him and his friends come to play with him, because he suffers walking long distances.
When asked about his routine Arya said:
“I just watch tv and sleep. I study at home and my friends come to my house. Before I could only walk 10 metres, now I can walk about 30-40 metres.”