Introducing The Suvet Suit, For People Who Love Their Warm, Cosy Bed Too Much
Source: Bored Panda
Published: Mar 29, 2024

Love your sleep? Want to stay cosy like you do in your warm bed even when you are going to work or when you are actually at work? Well guess what! Your dream can come true!

A British hotel chain Jurys Inn collaborated with costume designer Wendy Benstead to create a prototype of a suit that gives you the comfort of a bed and can be worn like a suit. This is suit is known as The Suvet.

Source: Bored Panda

This suit will keep you warm and cosy in winters and even allow you to take a power nap whenever you get free time!

Source: Languish Squid

In a press release, the company shared their inspiration for this nap enhancing suit.

“As a nation of workaholics, things like fatigue, lack of sleep and even the comfort of our beds can make getting up an arduous task, so we’ve created THE SUVET. If there is enough interest in this prototype we will definitely consider putting a limited edition run into production – after all, who doesn’t like the thought of a duvet day, every day.”

The basic idea behind this suit is to give comfort to the workaholic Brits who have to work really hard day in and day out. With the duvet they can catch up on their lost sleep!

The company wants to know more about what people think about their suits by using the hashtag ‪#‎jurysinnsuvet‬ on twitter and Facebook.