17 year old Marnie Harvey suffers from a dreadful disease where her eyes and ears bleed, her condition has left her housebound and doctors haven’t been able to find a cure or diagnosis for this disease since 3 years.
All this began in 2013 when Marnie Harvey woke up with blood spatters all over her pillow. Her mother, Catherine was terrified and took her to the general physician but despite several tests the exact cause to this disease is not known.
Some doctors changed her diet but that does not seem to work either. She has seen eye specialists, gynaecologists, haematology experts, neurologists and paediatricians to try to find the cause.
Marnie says that:
“It burns and then if it covers the pupils of my eye I can’t see,”
Marnie’s mother describes her daughters condition:
“Every morning I have to shake her to see if she is still alive. It’s absolutely devastating. It happens every single day. We’ve just gone through 12 days of solid bleeding from her tongue and scalp. She is sick four or five times a day, vomiting blood.”
Puzzled about this case the doctors have dubbed Marnies case as ‘The Mystery Girl’ The mystery condition also affects her ears, nose, gums, scalp, fingernails and tongue to bleed.
Miss Harvery’s mother, Catherine says her daughter has been seen by a range of specialists and had multiple tests and yet the only anomaly doctors can find is that she has a low immune system.
Miss Harvey’s dream to become a nurse, to go on holiday and find a boyfriend are all shelved while she’s passed from specialist to specialist. She had to leave facebook she does not have any friends any more. And she can’t even be at the doctors in peace because people start taking pictures of her.
Miss Marnie Harvey frustrated with her situation said that
“I used to go out with my friends every day but I became too scared to leave the house. It was alright in the summer because I could hide my bleeding eyes behind sunglasses but I can’t do that now so I stay at home”
“I never know when it’s going to happen and I don’t like scaring people.”
The family on their own found two similar cases, but Marnie’s situation is different, the family then decided to share her story in the hope that someone somewhere could help them.
“We want to raise awareness, there must be someone else in the world with this.”
This post originally appeared here