These Pictures Of King Khan’s House, Mannat, Are UNBELIEVABLE!
Published: Dec 8, 2024

Shahrukh Khan is probably one of the most recognisable faces in the world. He also happens to be the SECOND richest actor in the world according to Time magazine.

Yes he’s richer than Tom Cruise and even Brad Pitt. Those guys are poor compared to him, and why wouldn’t they be? Have you heard of the king of Hollywood? No, right! But you HAVE heard about the King of Bollywood.

Now obviously every king has a castle and Shahrukh Khan’s house, Mannat, is no less than a freaking modern day castle.

First off, the house has six freaking stories! SIX. I don’t even have six rooms in my house!

Source: bakchoditonic.com

This is the entrance to his house. Of course, it’s hard to decide what looks better, his wife or the house… I’m leaning more towards the house.

Source: grabhouse.com

And no, this isn’t the White House, it’s just a different view of the entrance; just giving you an idea of how HUGE it is.

Source: lightscamerabollywood.com

Now, if you thought the outside of the house was cool, the inside will BLOW your mind… and it will also make you feel really really really poor.

This is the stair way into his house, notice how clean the floor is? I am sure you could actually see your own reflection in the marble.

Source: lightscamerabollywood.com

Now this is a picture of an art gallery from The Louvre in Paris…… Ha ha just kidding, it’s his goddamn drawing room! But you couldn’t tell the difference could you?

Source: celebritytonic.com

Have you seen fancier sofas? Wait, why are all the lights switched on, on that chandelier? Come on Shahrukh save some electricity for us too, man!

Source: bakchoditonic.com

And here’s the dining room again. I am in LOVE with how clean the damn floor is!! I could probably see myself better on his floors than the mirrors in my house!

Source: liveindia.com

And here’s the dining table which could fit my whole family… and my cousins… and most of my friends too.

Source: lightscamerabollywood.com

This is his living room area. Of course he doesn’t just have a TV, he has projector right next to the TV because who wants to watch one thing at one time?

Source: lightscamerabollywood.com

The entrance to the balcony obviously has to look beautiful. Those curtains look like something Louie the Seventh would have had.

Source: lightscamerabollywood.com

Of course, his bathroom is bigger than my room and all the fixtures are gold plated… OMG they are actually gold plated.

Source: lightscamerabollywood.com

And there had to be a TV in the bathroom next to the Jacuzzi. DUH!

Source: lightscamerabollywood.com

And of course his house would not be complete without a gigantic swimming pool

Source: lightscamerabollywood.com

Oh wait we almost forgot to show you his room, it’s pretty small right? Apart from the huge bed I mean.

Source: lightscamerabollywood.com

PSYCH its huge too!

Source: lightscamerabollywood.com

Yup, feel poor don’t you? Told you!