For those of us who weren’t blessed with perfect teeth, that million dollar smile requires the assistance of an orthodontist and the dreaded trips to the dentist.
Here are few things that you might experience when taking a trip to the dentist’s.
1. As soon as you see those instruments, you are reminded of the reason you avoid visiting the dentist
They look more like torture devices than tools for dentistry.
2. Add to that feeling, the typical smell in the dentist’s office
I can’t even sometimes.
3. The drill
What is up with that thing anyway?!
4. So basically, you need more pain to alleviate the previous pain
5. The sounds that the drill makes
Anybody who has had a cavity cleaned and filled knows the pain you feel when they clean it with that needle-like device. I wish magic existed. *Sigh*
6. People peering into your mouth
As if it wasn’t awkward enough, the interns and assistants come in to peer as well.
Oh yeah, there’s a show happening in my mouth. You’re all welcome to watch. *SMH*
7. Because people just staring into your mouth isn’t enough, they also need to physically hurt you
A gazillion thingamajigis are in your mouth and it’s a miracle they all even fit in there.
8. *Tears of happiness* “There are no more cavities. The treatment is complete.”
Oh, my gosh! I’m so happy I could cry!
9. In your mind’s eye, you can see your bank account being emptied
Funny how torturing oneself is so costly.
10. Feeling relieved at the fact that you got out of it without crying, dying or strangling the dentist
I promise to brush my teeth twice a day and floss regularly! Maybe…
Thankfully, no more visits to the dentist… for a while, at least.
The original version of this post can be found here.