Japanese artist Mr. Riu creates detailed papercuts of extraordinary complexity that are all cut entirely by hand using a craft knife. He goes by the name of *RIU* and he has over 88,000 followers.
We bring you some of his best art work.
Remember of summer..someday we will... #切り絵#海ぼー
* 「A Clockwork Sunflower : Steer yourself toward the light」 「時計仕掛けの向日葵 〜光に向かって舵を取れ〜」 * #papercutting#zentangle#doodles#mr_riuworks #art_we_inspire#sketch_daily#Art_spotlight#artist_features#artist_4_shoutout#arts_help#artcollective#arts_gallery#arts_realistic#WorldofArtists#artofdrawingg#artFido#clockwork#gears#sunflower#切り絵#ゼンタングル#歯車#向日葵
. completed! 「Sea Breeze Salon」
. my past work...G-story (2014) 「Gift」(2/4G)
. my past work...G-story (2014) 「Girl」(1/4G)
. take a break...my favorite work, The Maple Peacock. #mr_riuworks
. finished!! 「Mandala with 21 circles」(Zenflower09)
. and papercuting.. . #papercut#paperart#paperwork#snoopy#切り絵#スヌーピー#mr_riuworks
. " Jeweled cherryblossom like twinkle star (Zenflower04)" (2015) . It was the elementary school entrance ceremony of my son(6 years old) today! It's a first day of school for him. I was really touched by his growth😭😂 I hope he have a nice school days✨ . #papercut#paperart#paperwork#mandala#zentangle#laceknitting#crocheting#cherryblossom#star#mr_riuworks#切り絵#曼荼羅#ゼンタングル#桜#星
finished!! the title : Negative Twelve Leaves (Zenflower10) . #papercut#paperart#paperwork#mandala#laceknitting#crocheting#diamond#leaves#mr_riuworks#切り絵#曼荼羅
the title : The scent of death around the earth (2014) In the near feature, our mother earth will probably be easily broken or damaged or destroyed... Why? You know what I mean. Look, many many UFO catch the scent of death around the earth, and they are circling round in the sky to watch the end of planet. Today is "EarthDay". Make every day EarthDay!! . #papercut#paperart#paperwork#zentangle#earthday#nowar#mr_riuworks#切り絵
. completed!! the title: 「Skeleton with poor eyesight」☠ The skeletons says, "Are you glasses person or contact lense person? I'm ..." Here is a question! What do you think she says more? I'll announce my answer tomorrow! :) . #papercut#paperart#paperwork#skeletons#skull#eyes#iris#mr_riuworks#切り絵
. totoro and totoro...☘ Which one do you like better? .. I like BOTH!!! lol 😂 . #papercut#paperart#paperwork#zentangle #doodles#totoro#studioghibli#mr_riuworks#切り絵
. the title : NMO-Fish (NeuroMyelitis Optica Fish) - Looking for light - . #papercut#paperart#paperwork#art#drawing#sketch#zentangle#blackandwhite#mr_riuworks#skull#scissors#fish#eye#tears#autoimmunedisease#NMO#MS#MOG#AQP4
. The beautiful mandala heals our souls.. (Zenflower08, 2015) . #papercut#paperart#paperwork#art#drawing#sketch#zentangle#mandala#blackandwhite#切り絵