This Guy Photoshops Himself Into Celebrity Pictures And The Results Are Hillarious
Published: Aug 30, 2024

Meet Average Rob, a mediocre dude from Belgium with some amazing Photoshop skills!

He Photoshops himself into pictures of the rich and famous and the results are H I L A R I O U S!


What the hell did I sign up for again?! 😧 #CrookedHillary

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


When you've got the shittiest job at the White House... πŸΆπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’©

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


Uhmmm... @LelePons, do you mind? I'm about to release the kraken... K Thnx bye

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


When a wild Pikachu appeared and your friends are stuck at loading screen... πŸ¦„πŸ˜‚ #PokemonGo #SorryNotSorry

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


1 hour to kick off. Lukaku, your shoes are ready to go with a double knot for extra durability. Wilmots, chill, you're next! πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺ⚽️ #BELITA #AssistantToTheRescue

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


Brainstorming about break-up songs like there's no tomorrow. β˜” #WhatRhymesWithHarris?

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


I'm absolutely terrified of horses. I don't know why, but their big ass nostrils freak me out. So when I told Jennifer about my horsephobia (or whatever it's called) she took me for a ride to get over my fear. Well let me tell you this: worst idea ever Jenni. You're a terrible friend. Shat my pants twice today and bruised my gooch... 😐 #FML

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


Sorry for taking so long! Long story short: Bieber and I found a waterhose at his concert and next thing I know we're making it rain oldschool style. The only problem is that I forgot to take my phone out of my pocket and it got soaked like Leo's pockets in Titanic... #SadLife

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


BeyoncΓ©!!! Can you hear me?! Okay! Can you bring my Hello Kitty waterwings with you when you're done? Mom told me I couldn't go swimming without them... πŸ’§πŸ‘™

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


Sunday gardening is the worst... But if you want to eat McDonalds everyday, you've gotta do some sidejobs to be able to pay for that luxury life. πŸ’ΈπŸ”πŸŸ #Ballin #AssCrackSundays #FollowYourDreams #NeverGiveUp #LifeGoals

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


Mooom!! Adele is taking up all the space on the couch again... 😣😒

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


Stop Hatin, Start Lovin ❀ #NoHomo

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


Happy Valentines Day Y'all! 😘😍 @Adele Mandatory Hashtags: #HappiestCoupleAlive #9gagbestdate @9gag #9gag #Adele 🌹 #Valentines #ValentinesDay #TheLadBible #LadBibleThis #FunnyShit

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


If you hold the phone, I'll press the button. 😘✌ #Selfie Ps: Hillary your duckface looks horrible, work on it gurl.

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


We've got so many paper deadlines coming up next month... πŸ˜‘ So when @BadGalRiri and I arrived at the library today, all seats were taken. But that didn't stop us from doing our work work work work work work. Who needs a chair and a desk anyways? πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘Œ #BootySoSoft #Rihanna #Revolutionary #Tetris #9Gag #LadBibleThis #Fuckjerry #TheFatJewish

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


It's safe to say, Donald Trump was blown away. πŸ’¨πŸ‘΄#BadumTss #LadBibleThis

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


So nasty... πŸ˜• @mileycyrus #LadBibleThis

A photo posted by AVERAGE ROB (@averagerob) on


You can follow the Photoshop genius here.